Our Services
For any reason, you want to check the condition of your own or another vehicle, you can undergo a Voluntary Technical Inspection to verify it.
New vehicles are inspected 4 years after their first registration. After that, a periodic inspection is conducted every 2 years for regular vehicles. The Technical Inspection lasts 20 to 30 minutes.
The new service of Four-Wheeled Motorcycle Inspection offers a comprehensive technical inspection for ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles) and other four-wheeled motorcycles, ensuring their safe and reliable operation.
At KTEO PEDIADOS CHERSONISOU, we know that the technical inspection of cars, motorcycles, and heavy vehicles is conducted for their proper functioning and consequently for the safety of drivers and passengers.
Every year*, all vehicles undergo an emissions test. It is not necessary to make an appointment for immediate service, as the Emissions Control Card is not part of the Technical Inspection line. *Except for Taxis and Heavy Vehicles, where the emissions test is conducted every six months.